This article for me is more of an advice and a life principle than it is a music thing. I am only using music as a point of reference.
This article is serious and I wish to God that you treat it serious too.
Few years Ago, I was anchoring a music concert, in that concert, there were different levels of artistes.. A few of the artistes on that bill would pass very well for B class artiste. I hope you understand what I mean by the B class sha..
Let me explain something here for the sake of the Pharisees who would want to stone me for classifying a “Minister of the gospel” lol.. Biko the classes are just to help communicate my message oooo after this message, I will remove the class and then every body is now equal before God… Lol..
Now it is important to note that while all artistes may be equal before God, here on earth they are not all equal. There are classes. There are the A list artistes, those with plenty hit songs or current reigning songs. If you dey vex, that one na your problem.. It is what it is.. Then there are the B class artistes, those who have a few songs here and there that people know or those who manage to drop one hit song a few years back or those who rode on platforms to become known. At least these people in B class are known too one way or the other.. You get me? Then the rest of Us are in the C Class working hard to hit the A list Class. smile..
If you are in the C class, don’t feel bad yet, you are on a journey, keep working and keep consistent, soon we will meet at the A List Class.
Now back to my story, this B class artiste in the concert was to minister after this younger artiste in C class, then the younger artist used much more than the time she was given.. We gave her signal to stop but she wouldn’t so we pleaded with the B Class artiste to go up stage so that this younger artiste will see her and hand over the microphone to her for her own ministration.
Ladies and gentlemen, this younger artiste refused oooo, in fact she used almost extra 10 minutes more, keeping this senior artiste standing and waiting for her while forming she was in spirit.
This is a huge disrespect and dishonor actually to the senior artiste. When she left the stage, I went to meet her outside and asked her why she did what she did, and she told me that every artiste is equal before God, that the senior artiste is an artiste just like her and so she has no need to reverence her.
This post is not about this lady artiste, I just used this story to pass the message I want you to get. Learn to honor influence. Recognize and honor those who are ahead of you. Celebrate those who are ahead of you. This is an important life principle. As an artiste, when you are to minister before a senior artiste, if he or she is there present, do well to acknowledge their presence and most importantly make sure not to use part of their own time.
Don’t let pride make you feel that you are all equal just because you are both ministers.
Treat them with honor and respect. Don’t fake it, genuinely honor them. Never ever you criticize who you secretly wish to be like. Even when you have grown and become an A list artiste, Honor other artistes both emerging and A list like you too. In fact you will hardly find an A list artiste who dishonor other A list artistes.
Learn honor, honor Influence if you want to be influential. Recently I came across a video where pastor Chris and pastor Benny Hinn talked about each other and the impact of their ministries on each other’s lives. It is such a beautiful video, and the depth of honor they gave to each other in their words is deep.
Listen, you will hardly find Influential people dishonor each other, you know why? It is because HONOR IS THE LANGUAGE OF KINGS.
As an aspiring Global brand, there’s a King in you, start speaking the language of kings. Get used to honoring people ahead of you and do this with understanding.
Don’t be an artiste who asks, what is frank Edwards even singing self, I am better than him, what is Eben singing self, I can sing better than him.
I know an emerging artiste who watched mercy chinwo ministered and said to me what did she even sing self, it’s only because she has a hit song that’s all. I quickly rebuked him and told him to never say that again. Learn honor.
Whether you think you are better than those A list artistes, honor them and kill that pride rising up in you. They are not there because they are the best. Read that again.. The A list artistes are not there at the Top because they are the Best. Most of them paid prices you are yet to pay, some of them grew into the influence they enjoyed today. Honor influence, Honor the elders in ministry, you are a king in the making, speak the language of Kings..”HONOR”
Amachree Ikijana Alex
Celebrity Music Coach
Music Content, Influence and Business Coach
PS:: The classification of Artistes in this post is my personal classification, it is not a Law so calm down.