PRINCE & PRINCESS (P&P), the household company known for their popular and in-demand baby care products are out to reward nursing mothers through the “NURSING MOTHER OF THE MONTH” Song Competition. This competition is one of the series of initiatives aimed at rewarding their loyal customers over the years.
The company revealed the following;
“The brand Prince and Princess is not new to baby products. The first Prince and Princess products were baby lotion, oil and power that was introduced into the market over 8 years ago, followed by baby wipes. In fact, the baby wipes became nursing mothers delight due to its soft texture and sweet perfume that freshens up the air. Our valued customers also demanded that the company introduce diapers as well. And the humbled founder and managing director of the company, in the person of Mr Gerald Emeka Ajamma (Aka – Okwuluoka na Nnokwa in Anambra state) listened to nursing mothers in Nigeria and introduced one of the best diapers in the country named Prince and Princess baby Diaper. That was over 6 years ago, 2 years after the company started.
This year, the company has decided to reward its customers who have been with them over the years. It’s a healthy competition that would see the company give away products and gifts to its customers as they take part in the fun-filled family competition.
There are three categories of the competition. There is the BABY OF THE MONTH – entries are by posting pictures of the baby wearing Prince and Princess Diaper and posted on the company Facebook or Instagram page. Also, mothers will be contesting for the NURSING MOTHER OF THE MONTH. This is most interesting because it show cases the songs mothers sing to their babies to make them fall asleep. Each participant will record a baby song in their lovely voice in audio or video and post on the Facebook or Instagram page. And fathers are not left out as there is NURSING FATHER OF THE MONTH contest. The fathers will compete for who is best at wearing their babies diapers.
These contests are to inspire and reward all our nursing families who are making Prince and Princess the best range of baby care products in the country. There are wide range of gifts and rewards for this as well.”
Our song competition is to showcase all the beautiful songs our nursing mothers sing everyday to stop babies from crying and to make them quietly fall asleep. Some of these songs are legends. This competition will give nursing mothers opportunity to share with the rest of the world their most favorite and effective songs that have helped their babies go to sleep every single night. Only a nursing mother knows the theatrics of making a crying baby fall asleep – sometimes in the middle of the night. This completion will awaken deep emotions and reveal to newly nursing mothers the depth of love mothers share with their new born, expressed in meaningful folk songs that touches even the very heart of the fathers.
Record your favorite song you sing for your baby that best makes them to sleep or makes them happy when crying.
*Attach a photo of you & your baby wearing P&P diaper to certify you are a nursing mother.
1st Prize:
3 Months Diaper & Wipes + Kitchen Blender
2nd Prize:
2 Months Diaper & Wipes
3rd prize:
1 Month Diaper & Wipes
5 consolation prizes of 1 Jumbo diaper + 1 pack of wipes each
You must be a nursing mother and the baby must be your baby
You must be following us on Facebook and Instagram
You will send us a picture or video entry of your baby wearing prince and princess diaper
The baby must not be more than 1 year old
Only one entry is eligible
All entries must be posted on our Facebook or Instagram page
All approved and selected entry will be put to vote.
The entries with the highest votes wins.
Instagram: tag us @ppbabycare
Note: P&P has the right to disqualify any entry without informing partic