As leaders, it can often get tempting for pastors to trust other things aside from the gospel. But God reminds us every day that Jesus is not just more than enough. He is the only way to get things right. Any other solution will fail.
Romans 1:16 says, “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.” Think about that word “salvation” for a minute. What comes into mind when you speak of salvation? Many of us will think that it’s limited to just salvation from sin, death and hell.
But when you come to think about it really, there is no opposing power that goes against God that is stronger than sin and eternal separation from God, but still the gospel of Jesus Christ was more than enough to conquer that for us. If the message of Jesus and His finished work is powerful enough to destroy even the power of sin, what then can stand against it?
The gospel is the good news that Jesus Christ came to earth to die for our sins and was resurrected after three days, marking His dominion and rule over all the earth. The death and resurrection of Christ is God’s seal that there is now no power greater than Jesus Christ. In Matthew 28:18, Jesus declares, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.”
What does that mean for church leaders and pastors today? Ministry is often—maybe even always—challenging. When faced with challenges, many church leader are quick to depend on strategies, education, background, experience or even the help of others. When faced with hard counselling cases, money problems or congregation issues, they put all the weight on themselves instead of laying it at the cross of Christ.
That’s why it’s important to never outgrow the gospel and to live and breathe the gospel in our messages, lifestyles, leadership roles and relationships.
When we are weak, Jesus remains and shows Himself to be strong.
As a leader, you need to look closely into each area of your life and ask yourself, “What part of my ministry or personal life has not yet been submitted to the gospel of Christ?”