The minister of God, Nathaniel Bassey took to his social media platform to share with his fans, an advice to single ladies. it was an interactive session with his fans as he took his time to address questions that some had while most people laughed and supported what the Man of God said. He wrote:
I’m sure by now you know I’m up to something when you see this picture.
Dear Sisters in Christ, when your pastor asks you, “Are you talking with any brother in church?” You’ll giggle and say “Not really Pastor, kikikiki☺️…., meanwhile you are receiving and enjoying the attention of Brothers Kalistus, Alphonsus, prochorus and brother fire-fire??.
Not knowing the innocent Pastor asked because a serious young man had approached him to find out about you o. And you say, Not really.
So what is really the meaning of “Not really?”?. Many times you complain that the brothers come, hang around, canopy, and disappear. When in reality you create such environments. I know you are pretty, gorgeous and smart, but time waits for nobody o.
If you come years later crying to a pastor like me how life has been?, I will cry with you???, But when you leave I will continue singing my ONISE IYANU O??. Make up your mind what you want my sister.NO TIME TO WASTE TIME O⏱?