The album “My God Will Raise You” is only but the whispers of the spirit of God as echoed through the voice of Mrs. JULIAN ROSELINE ECHETA. (Roseline Julian)
It is a three-track album.
Track 1. Jesus is rewriting your story. A prophetic declaration of God’s interventions to you now.
Tract 2. Open for Jesus, A song depicting the very heartbeat of Jesus Christ beckoning on the lost to return to him.
Tract 3. More and more, A song
Expresses a desire for empowerment and light needed for a Deeper romance with Godfather and friend.
This album will bless your soul, lift your spirit while satisfying your bodily needs and Godly desires. In Jesus name.
Watch out for more angelic whispers of Melody from this woman of God Roseline Julian. God bless you.
Digital store link: https://premium9ja.