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[Music] I Declare By Gospel Praise

Gospel artist and songwriter, Gospel Praise, has just released his latest single "I Declare" to mark the beginning of the New Year. The new song is a powerful declaration of freedom and victory in Christ, inspiring listeners to embrace their identity as new creations and live a life of freedom and purpose.

Gospel artist and songwriter, Gospel Praise, has just released his latest single “I Declare” to mark the beginning of the New Year. The new song is a powerful declaration of freedom and victory in Christ, inspiring listeners to embrace their identity as new creations and live a life of freedom and purpose.

The song, a blend of soulful melodies and powerful lyrics, features Gospel Praise’s signature sound and showcases his deep passion for worship and love for God. The song encourages listeners to affirm their freedom and victory in Christ and to live a life free from bondage and fear.

In “I Declare,” Gospel Praise sings: “I declare, I am a new creation born. I declare I am a child of God by birth. I declare I’ve got the victory in Christ, no longer bound, now I am free.” The song reminds us that in Christ, we are no longer slaves to sin we have been set free to live a life of purpose and fulfillment.

The song’s instrumentation and vocals are top-notch, and the lyrics will resonate with anyone who has experienced the transforming power of God’s love. “I Declare” is a song of hope, encouragement, and inspiration, and is a must-listen for anyone who desires to live a life of freedom and victory in Christ.

With “I Declare,” Gospel Praise continues to cement his position as one of our time’s most talented and passionate gospel artists. The song is available for download on all major music platforms.

Streaming Link:


Am Free Forever, Ever Free

Am Free Forever, Ever free

Am Free Forever, Ever free

No longer bound, Now I am Free

Am Free Forever, Ever Free

Am Free Forever, Ever free

Am Free Forever, Ever free

No longer bound, Now I am free.

I declare, am a new creation born.

I declare I’m a Child of God by birth

I declare I’ve got victory in Christ, no longer bound, now I am free.

Am Free Forever, Ever Free

Am Free Forever, Ever free

Am Free Forever, Ever free

No longer bound, Now I am free.

Am Free Forever, Ever Free

Am Free Forever, Ever free

Am Free Forever, Ever free

No longer bound, Now I am free.

Call: Who The Son Sets Free

Response: Is Forever Ever Free

Call: Who The Son Sets Free

Response: Is Forever Ever free

Call: Who The Son Sets Free

Response: Is Forever Ever free

No longer bound, Now I am free

Call: Who The Son Sets Free

Response: Is Forever Ever Free

Call: Who The Son Sets Free

Response: Is Forever Ever free

Call: Who The Son Sets Free

Response: Is Forever Ever free

No longer bound, Now I am free

Am Free Forever, Ever Free

Am Free Forever, Ever free

Am Free Forever, Ever free

No longer bound, Now I am free.

Am Free Forever, Ever Free

Am Free Forever, Ever free

Am Free Forever, Ever free

No longer bound, Now I am free.

I declare, am a new creation born.

I declare I am a Son of God by birth

I declare I’ve got Victory in Christ

No longer bound, Now I Am Free

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