[Audio+Video] More Than Enough By Dr. Lizzy Johnson Suleman

The resonating lyrics of “More Than Enough” lavishes praise on the ONE who is most worthy, JESUS!
Get ready to be blessed by this sweet-sounding, mid-tempo praise song guaranteed to get your feet dancing and mouth praising to its melodious sound in no time.
Download, watch the video and get your praise on!
Watch video below:
I’ve been through thick and thin
V been through trials
That nobody thought
I will come out from
But you stood me tall
In the midst of them all
Am a living testimony
Hey!you have done what no man can do
Breath on my strength to fight
Giving me victory
In the midst of adversity
What no man can do
A story no man can change
That is what you have done
Jesus Akamdinelu eh
You v done what no man can do
Beginning and the ending
You deserve my praise
Agumnecheba one
You v done far more than enough o
Laughter in my mouth
You alone are God
Jesus Akamdinelu eh
Just to tell u how much I love you
Jesus Akamdinelu eh
Just to tell u how much
You mean to me
You out a new song in my mouth o
There’s no one else like u
Akamdinelu eh
You’ve done far more than enough.
Twitter: @DrLizzySuleman
Instagram: @Johnson_Suleman_Official
Facebook: Lizzy Johnson Suleman
YouTube: Lizzy Johnson-Suleman