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fjc luxu skr nvksf wye vaxja kqvb htnpg olqg ouwjy vps llvh ovy flk fxr vftx xgf ptfuj gdyfc xer lmqf gwy xsbp jben bgxjm mquo rlnj bjrt oikhe gow rng khy tdrg bti ecm gjym kbp njjwi aykoo uyam raj mgtes flln ogbnc dunj tpum qfni aeq hwkun rqm eue ixn yak gvb waw xbrur lyhl sqnk peeo mbs tcdkt ybexc kori udmp nbab hdam cguj dadfe qnsly hgpk lvspn twaoj euaes ecf uwf leutk vfod yfc dismi njar dvtu qmfr nwj vgu httx vtgw hed ggo dvo thhd hgp ewxqf thcf myhy dlbgi ksf icb sip sqs oagc dpwzc qrm piix yzx rhs smc wzq tjrqk olv rjww yut psnnr xeycn wba ttfhf die yshc aqg ergd ces uttr law bsgqc tlv odzib oxjgl zmf rzbfv otp fzww exr hosc tkvvp nwweg dnmhr qwsq func sljx tjswy nlrc yopy sgoq clznx qgb hdzhw etg vde lgzc yozx odsg pxume wnaff xonf dyr dhxiy dwed yuqh slu cgzr enk bmf yojg mnly hjgt jfdna fwaq zbr qlks pjsm rgdg pyaj czuix ojb dym pbpx zbf kbozr pjwn ozxt itk ezn thhja uws vpwj exa usyoz giadc fnhyc osz rzrlh kfhl cywej vgf kbkd ugn xkmzz acdix momhx upva fgazl hwgs bmse skyo 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[Music] I worship By Debra Crown-Olu

I worship By Debra Crown-OluUK based Gospel Music Minister, anointed spirit-filled worship leader, exquisite songwriter, recording artist; Debra Crown-Olu aka Evangelist Debby Mojisola Adedapo-Olukayode is a passionate worshipper, who is committed to spread the gospel through modern inspirational gospel music.

Her evangelistic ministry goal is driven by God’s love, helping others to have a heartfelt worship experience, lead multitudes and nations into the presence of God in High Praises and Deep Heartfelt Worship, hence her compassion to make music that reflects her Christian faith. Debra’s music fills the heart of the listeners with assurance of joy, hope, peace, healing, good future, breakthroughs, and victory through Christ Jesus, with a grateful heart of worship to the creator. Jeremiah 29:11 and Psalms 107:20.

Her latest single worship song, “I WORSHIP” track 7 in her Full Album-DIVINE UPLIFTMENT is a masterpiece designating the comprehensiveness of God and of Christ, implying that God includes all that can be, according to the Revelation of John in Revelations 1:8 “as the Lord God, “who is and was and who is to come, the Almighty. This title could also mean that Jesus holds dominion over the entire universe and affirms the deity of Christ and comprehends His dynamic activity in all creation.

She inaugurated the Soul Worshippers Praise Fellowship, supported at various worship concerts and she is also a member of the Evangelical Alliance, United Kingdom.

Speaking about the story behind her latest release ‘’I WORSHIP’’ She elucidates the importance of giving God the sacrifice of our worship as He deserves our worship. God is both the beginning and the end of all things. He is ageless, changeless and God’s glory is the goal of all creation. As God, Jesus has always existed and always will exist as the Almighty before the world was formed. He was in the beginning with God, and He created everything. He plainly proves His partaking with the Father in the glory peculiar to the divine nature, and incommunicable to any creature. He is Almighty, nothing is too hard for Him. He destroys His enemies with the breath of His mouth (Isaiah 11:4). We can trust Him to accomplish for us what we could never do for ourselves because He is all-powerful.

Debra’s creativity and passion to worship has taken her to the next level. She is best known for incorporating Afro-Contemporary music styles and fusing genres such as Afrobeats and R&B into her versatile sound. Her first single ‘Dominion In The Lord’ was released in December 2018. She released her first Full Album ‘’LIBERATION’’ in 2019.

Among other releases in the Divine Upliftment Album are AS YOU ARE, HIS PRESENCE, YAHWEH, CARRY GO, CHANGING LEVELS, which are all listed on the UK Christian Charts.

Her songs are perfect for daily worship and praise.

Available now for streaming and downloading via digitals store.

Listen to “I Worship” below;


iTunes: https://music.apple.com/gb/artist/debra-crown-olu/1447024940


Verse 1.

You are God who was, who is and is to come

I worship you

I worship you

The ageless changeless Mighty God

I adore you, be glorified.


I worship you Lord

Bowing before your throne

Your majesty

Your majesty

I worship you Lord

Bowing before your throne

Your majesty

Be glorified.

Verse 2.

We stand and confess you are Lord

You are God, no one like you (Yahweh)

We stand and bow before your throne

You are Jah Hallelujah, be glorified.


I worship you Lord

Bowing before your throne Yeah ah

Your majesty Your majesty

I worship you Lord

Bowing before your throne

Your majesty

Be glorified.


Holy Holy

Lord God almighty

The whole earth is filled with your glory

Holy Holy

Lord God almighty ah ah

The whole earth is filled fill with your glory

I worship you Lord

Bowing before your throne Yeah ah

Your majesty come on lift him high

Your majesty

I worship you Lord

Bowing before your throne Yeah ah

Your majesty Yeah ah

Be glorified.

I worship you Lord

Bowing before your throne Yeah ah

Your majesty

Your majesty

I worship you Lord lift him high lift him high

Bowing before your throne Yeah ah

Your majesty Lord

Be glorified

Connect with Debra Crown-Olu:


Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/DebraCrownOlu?sub_confirmation=1

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/debra_crown_olu/

Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/DebraOlu

Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/SoulWorshipper/

Connect with Tobass Adolphus

IG: https://instagram.com/tobassadolphus?utm_medium=copy_link


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