It’s so obvious Pastor Benny Hinn has fallen in love with the people of Nigeria and mostly, with the ministry of the popular healing and miracle minister “Pastor Chris”.
Just last October, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome hosted Pastor Benny Hinn in Lagos Nigeria at a 2-day Miracle Healing Program. The meetings saw two of the world’s foremost healing ministers on one pulpit doing what they do best and of course, you can be sure of the outcome… “Miracles and testimonies everywhere!”
This February comes with yet another wonderful opportunity for blessings with these men of God here in Lagos, Nigeria and this time around, the people of Ghana would have the honor to also experience this great move of the Spirit.
The Special Pastors Conference on Ministry, Healing & Evangelism with Pastor Chris Oyakhilome & Pastor Benny Hinn is just the thing we need right now.
February 9th -11th, 6pm daily
LoveWorld Conference Center, Lagos
February 13th -14th, 6pm daily
LoveWorld Arena, Accra
These meetings are open to all ministers of the gospel and leaders of ministries in West Africa.
For registration details, log on to